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Showing posts from 2014

3D museum in Bangkok

This has to be my most favourite topic and activity of the whole Bangkok trip. This museum had everything in 3D. I will be posting a lot of photo's. You start of into a hall that has photo's drawn on them. It is all in 3D and you don't even have to wear a glasses. It was awesome. We had to take of our shoe for some reason and they will give you a tag. after that they will let us go to the room filled with paintings all drawn on the wall. You can take a lot of photo's and people won't even know how you did them.. They will be speechless when they see the photo's. It was like magic and by magic i mean awesomeness...... The only reason why i didn't like it was because I had to take all of my dad and step mothers photo's. But other than that it was nice. This was my favourite activity out of all because it was mind blowing. After that we had some Mc Donalds and headed back to the hotel.

Tiger zoo in Bangkok

In Bangkok we went to a zoo which was filed with lots of activities. There was a pit that was at least 20 metres apart. This pit was a deadly pit filled with more than 25 crocodiles on top of each other, in the river and everywhere. In the pit of crocodiles we could fish them with chicken legs. My dad was playing around with the crocodiles by flinging the fishing rod up everytime the crocodile attempted to eat the chicken legs :3..... We could also feed the tigers by doing the same thing with the crocodiles. My dad and aunty Anny even took photo's we them. I think the tigers were drugged and beaten because they were so still and drousey. I felt really sad for them even though they would eat me ALIVE!! The zoo was very big and really interesting. I really enjoyed it...Thanks dad and aunty Anny for preparing this moment  for me!!!!!!!

Songkran holiday

Songkran holiday is a Thai new year. It happens every thirteen to sixteen April. this is a little bit of what happens during Songkran holiday first of all on the 13 to 16 of April is the hottest time of the year for Thailand so on Songkran holiday they will have a massive war with water guns just to cool you of. It was amazing seeing everybody get together and pour ice freezing water on each other. I participated in this festival also by Shooting everybody i see with a water gun and sometimes I get shot back. when your on road trips in Bangkok people will drive by your car and splash you with water where ever you are. When your using a motor bike you will also get shot by cold water. The worst thing that can happen to you on this festival is that you can get splashed by water when your eating. You can't argue when you get wet because it is the Songkran holiday and it is the hottest time of the year. Just be happy and enjoy the festival ;)

Ocean world in Bangkok

Our first activity we did was go around the mall to look for the Ocean World. Ocean world was aquarium's all around this hall which had blue lights supposedly to make you feel like your underwater. The lots of aquariums at this hall and each and one of them has one species of an underwater animal. Next to their aquariums There would be a decorated board telling you the details of the animal. So we had to read a lot and most of you know that I hate reading so the only thing I did was look at the animals. Ocean world in Bangkok was huge but not as big as the one in Singapore. They also had this boat the you could go on and had a glass bottom so basically you were standing on glass looking down to see the fish and the sharks and the stingray and many more. The guide will tell you about the fish when your in the boat. We can ask questions and they will answer them straight away. It took us about 2 hours? To complete the whole aquarium. We saw many species and many huge sharks...

Madame Tousande in Bangkok

In Bangkok we did go to the famous Madame Tousande in Bangkok and we did go to the ocean world in Bangkok so check tomorrow for more posting.....  We went to Ocean world first and then went to Madame Tousande but i will do Madame Tousande first just for fun. We were having trouble finding this place. It was a must for us to go so we asked one of the security guards where it is. He said we had to go all the way straight and then we will reach the destination. We had to take an elevator up to the hall and then walk through the hall to see the wax museum. It was so cold.. We saw Michael Jackson, Justin Bieber, Jackie Chan, Wayne Rooney and many more. My favourite wax of all was Barrack Obama because he had a table and chair you could sit on and you can pick up calls and sign stuff. I was forced to take many photo's with everything so I did just to keep the memories. It was so interesting to see the wax sculptures ad also very freaky to take photo's with them because they...

Dubai....Part 4

I've gotta say the this part of the trip to Dubai was my favourite because of the fastest rollercoaster on earth. Yes i went on the fastest rollercoaster but to be honest the begining was the only scary part. I was at the front seat with my dad and Rees and Rafel was at the seat behind us.Since we were at the front seat we felt the G Force. I recomend everybody to try it out. It was so fast that Rafel was this is the track drueling at the end of the ride. That was my favourite ride at the theme park. Click here to find out more information about Ferari world. THE END......

A movie??

Two days ago I watched a movie, It was a movie called robocop. It was a pretty good movie desite the bobots. It was a also a farewell party for my closest bootcamper of all time SAB. My mommies Best friend too. So we hope that she had her time of her life and yea. The movie robocop was about a policeman that got blown up but was very lucky to still be alive. Despite being lucky he was also paralyzed for his life but a new machine came up(all in the future) . His wife decided to put him in the machine so that he can live again but his job was to catch the here to watch the trailer. 

Gunung Nuang

We woke up early this morning to go to a mountain it was located at the state, Selangor. We went there as part of our training to go up the Mt. Kinabalu at Sabah. It was 4 hours going up and 4 hours going down. It was a killer for me so that meant that I was going up the highest mountain in Malaysia anytime soon so I might as well train far it as hard as I can. It took us 3 and a half hours to go up and set camp there for a while just to chill for a second. Me my dad, aunty Anny, Rees, leona, Kasih and Rafel and naeem and uncle Abu. We all found it hard to climb this hill so uncle Abu led us from the start and my dad led us from the end since they were highly experienced. We went to the river to swim there and eat because were all very tired. There were not as many leeches as I thought there was...... none of us got bit once. While going down I fell twice due to the very steep hills and the rocks. After walking on flat roads and hills My knee was hurting like crazy... luckily a m...


On the 24th of February 2014 i will be going to Borneo with my friends and with my school. As you all know i go to the school Garden international school and i've been going there for 6 years since year 1. This school has many residential trips and Borneo is one of them. Many schools have been wanting to go but they don't have the chance. They say we are very lucky to go on this trip. this is not the orginal picture from our camp. Our activities for this camp will be many stuff such as water rafting, flying fox and etc. Everyones favourite would probably be the rafting... in one of the days we will be attempting to build our own rafts and trying to sail them at water   Our school says that it is the best camp in the whole of primary and once again, they say we are very lucky to go on this trip. I am the first group tp go to the camp.. today our teacher Mr. Strode went to Borneo to check how it is. click here to go to the company who put all this together.  I can...

what I usually do on a daily basis ( holiday )

I usually wake up at 7 or 8 to go shower or use my Ipad. While playing my Ipad mt dad will usually scream at me. He always says i have to shower and then get ready for my day and all that first. So i will get ready for the day shower and do the stuff i have to do. After showering and getting ready I will have breakfast with my dad. I usually eat at Bestari and have the capati. Straight after having my breakfast I will ask my dad to rush me back home at full speed because I love playing with my cousins. I will go to Shazrai's house first and then get ready for war. What me and my cousins mean by war is that we will have a Nerf gun or maybe a BB gun for a weapon. We will then ask my cousin Rafel where he is by calling him. If he is out we just have some target practise to get ready. If he is home we will try to sneak into his house without anybody noticing. I will sneak up behind him while my other 2 cousins will flank him. I will count 3..2..1.. and then all of us fire. For lunc...

Bangkok.....part 2

On the last day of our trip to Bangkok we went to terminal 21. If you don't already know what terminal 21 is well, that means you've never actually been to Bangkok in the last couple of years. Terminal 21 brings the dream of traveling the world to downtown Bangkok. Each floor is themed to a location in the world (Carribean, Paris, Rome, Tokyo etc) which makes it quite interesting as you go up the floors. Opened in October 2011. Terminal 21 was created as an airport styled theme. In this beautiful and mega building i went on a toilet tour. I know that sounds crazy nut there was a reason why. This building was also famous for their toilets because on each floor it has a different themes. My favourite toilet was Tokyo's. It took the whole day to finish the tour of he mega mall. Our flight was at 9 pm at night.

Bangkok.....part 1

I have been to Bangkok once before but I had no recollections of anything about Bangkok. So when my dad invited me to have the weekend at Bangkok i couldn't sleep for at least a week. I woke u at 5 knowing we were going to Bangkok. I showered first and checked my bag one last time before we went to the airport. We left at 5.30 waiting for my uncle Nanan ( well that was what I called him.) He was not ready and we called him saying that we were very very late for our flight. He was shocked and quickly got ready. he was in the car in less than 15 minutes and we all laughed at him. We had tricked him again. He sulked in disappointment and said that he will get us back. We arrived at airport at 6.10 and rushed to check in our ticket and then we did all the stuff we/you do in the airport. We were very early so we hung out at the airport  for abit and then went in the  plane. We went with Malindo air. It was our first time using this aeroplane. It turned out being pretty good. A...

Dubai/Abu Dhabi.......part 3

The first thing i did in Dubai day 3 was have a BUBBLE BATH!!!!! It took me 30 minutes to get out of the water. It was so relaxing B)... Our activities for today was a full day of Abu Dhabi tour. we this was the Sheikh Zayed grand mosque visited the Sheik Zayed grand mosque at 10.30, heritage village, photo shop at Emirates palace and pasby chorniche. We had lunch at Jing Asian was an international buffet. After doing all this exciting/boring activities we went back to Dubai just to visit a museum and go to abra to spice and gold souk. At 7.30 we rushed back to go to the Dhow cruise dinner. It was a blast.... TO BE CONTINUED.......

Dubai/Abu Dhabi.....part 2

On the 2nd day of our trip to Dubai we had a blast going sightseeing, going to the Burj al Arab and also visiting the Jumeirah Mosque. We started our day by having lunch at the same hotel.....the Marina Byblos. I had an omelet and a 3 sausages just to give me the energy to last me the whole day. We first started at the Jumeirah Mosque and worked our way down to the Burj Al Arab to go shopping. We had lunch at the traders hotel. We all had the same thing to eat which was; Salad, Beef Chicken and ETC. this is what me and my family calls dunes bashing At around 2.45 we went back to our hotel to get ready for one of my favourites which was the desert safari which included the off road, the dune driving, sunset stop, sand skiing, camel riding, falcon display, Belly dance show, henna lady, traditional hubbly bubbly water pipe, Arabic coffee and  Arabic dates. Of course for the belly dance my uncle and maybe even my grandfather took a video 'for memories'. During the camel ridin...

Dubai/Abu Dhabi...part 1

First of all i would love to thank my beloved grandmother and grandfather who prepared this all together. its every kids dream to travel over seas therefore i am truly grateful for this opportunity. I first heard of our trip to Dubai at the early years of 2013. Since that day forward, we (my cousins) have been counting down. Me and my dad started to be more concern about packing on the 16th of December. our trip to Dubai was on the 19th to the 24th of December. We went shopping at the Curve. It probably took about 2 to 3 hours just trying to find out which shirt we should buy or even which shop to buy at. On the 18th of December we were all ready; We were packed, we had nothing else to do but wait ETC. We got into bed and slept. I was so deep into my sleep that my dad had to pour water on me just to wake me up. We were quiet late due to our flight was at 9.00. My dad had already showered so it was my turn to shower. We left at around 7.00. I went with Rees, Leona and Kasih... all of ...