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what I usually do on a daily basis ( holiday )

I usually wake up at 7 or 8 to go shower or use my Ipad. While playing my Ipad mt dad will usually scream at me. He always says i have to shower and then get ready for my day and all that first. So i will get ready for the day shower and do the stuff i have to do. After showering and getting ready I will have breakfast with my dad. I usually eat at Bestari and have the capati.

Straight after having my breakfast I will ask my dad to rush me back home at full speed because I love playing with my cousins. I will go to Shazrai's house first and then get ready for war. What me and my cousins mean by war is that we will have a Nerf gun or maybe a BB gun for a weapon. We will then ask my cousin Rafel where he is by calling him. If he is out we just have some target practise to get ready. If he is home we will try to sneak into his house without anybody noticing. I will sneak up behind him while my other 2 cousins will flank him. I will count 3..2..1.. and then all of us fire.

For lunch i love eating nasi ayam ( chicken rice ). My dad will call me to eat lunch and I will run home eat our lunch run straight back to where we just were.

We will have some more target practise until it is 7 and we will just leave to our home to have dinner and get ready for bed.

Today I did not do all this because i had taekwondo and i had to follow my dad somewhere.

Here i am writing this.....


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